Khaby Lame

Khaby Lame

Khaby Lame is a Senegalese social media celebrity who is well known for posting comedy and life hack videos on his TikTok account.

REAL NAMEKhabane Lame
Nick Name Khaby
Birth Date9 March, 2000
Birth PlaceSenegal
Age21 years
ProfessionTikTok Star
Zodiac SignPisces
Height6 ft 1 inches
Weight80 kg
FeaturesDark Brown hair and dark brown eyes
Debutkhaby.lame (TikTok Account 2020)
FamePosting Live hack videos on TikTok
AffairZaira Nucci (Engaged)
Khaby Lame Girlfriend

More Information About

  • The videos in which he gently mocks overly intricate life hack videos have made him famous on TikTok. Lame is TikToker’s second most popular use as of 2021.
  • Being laid off, Lame turned to TikTok amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost all of his early videos had him dancing and playing video games in Italian with subtitles. With his TikTok “duet” and “stitch” reactions to videos portraying unnecessarily difficult “life hacks,” he gained fame by performing the same chore simply and without saying anything. 
  • Took over the second-most-followed TikToker spot from Addison Rae in July 2021. When Juventus FC announced the signing of Manuel Locatelli in August 2021, Lame starred as a co-star.
  • This year, Khaby secured a multi-year deal with BOSS and appeared in the #BeYourOwnBoss campaign alongside Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, Lee Min-ho, and Future among others.

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